AUTISM EDGE SERIES I am very excited to share this series with you. Autism Edge was born through the journey I have embarked gathering insight and knowledge along the way. I would love to share what I have learnt in the last 6 years with you.
There is an idea that autism is caused by genetic coding (genetic weaknesses) or environmental factors. That autism is caused by the diet the mother followed during pregnancy or that vaccinations the child received caused the child to have autism . Through research I believe that autism is caused by genetic weaknesses with one or more environmental factors and I will explain why. Genetics does play a role and will discuss in following articles, but toxins I believe is the main cause.
There are different ways in which autism start to show. Early delay in milestones starting from 6 months, but this is on rare occasions. Normal timeline for developmental problems starts at 18 to 24 months and in this period we start seeing delays in progress like language and social skills. A plateau or stop, from there on the development is very slow. In some cases autism can appear out of the blue. The 6 signs of autism can then start to appear and the child's developmental milestones start deteriorating.
Autistic behaviors can start after one single environmental change or one triggering factor. On the point of toxins as determining factor, doctors and scientists found that patience that shows regressions had high evidence of mercury and that should be considered as one aspect of many of what is causing the behaviors. These chemicals and toxins effect the development processes in any child.
The main systems that affects autism are digestion, detoxification and the immune function. Poor nutrition can inhibit the digestive system to absorb nutrients as well as food sensitivity. Toxins in the system from dysbiotic bacteria can affect the neurons in the brain from the nutrients taken in. This will affect the brain and how the brain function.
Toxins can cause a poor immune system and this can cause reliance on antibiotics, damaging the gut, the gut flora and overall digestion. Therefore weakens the body's ability to fight off viruses and yeast (we will discuss yeast in a later stage). Inflammation occur in all mentioned functions and toxins increase inflammation, gut permeability and increase in food reactions. Yeast overgrowth is a result of a poor immune function.
Faulty sulfation and reduced glutathione production both is very much important for the detoxification process. One of the reasons we need to understand.

So, what is the cause of faulty sulfation? Mercury and other heavy metals appear to damage the methylation and sulfation process. Too much inflammation in other parts of the body can cause inflammation in the brain. All these factors are caused by poor nutrition.
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Stay tuned for article 3.
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